KVK, Doda (Bhaderwah) SKUAST-Jammu
                                       SUCCESS STORY




Success story in brief


Income Generation Through Crop Diversification

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Sh. Jaswant Singh Manhas 63 years an old ex-serviceman is a permanent resident of village Basti, Tehsil Bhaderwah ,District Doda. The village of Sh. Jaswant Singh is located on Bhaderwah-Chamba road about 12Km away from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Doda at an elevation of approximately 1550 amsl. Maize is the main crop grown by the farmers of the area. Most of the area remains fallow during winters due to heavy snowfall. Sh. Jaswant Singh is graduate and ex-serviceman owns 1.0 ha land. Most of his land is rainfed having no irrigation facilities. Mixed farming is performed/ practiced by him in his farm but yield was very poor. Mean while he came in contact with KVK Doda during the year 2011. After getting trainings at KVK and exposure visits to various agricultural institutions, he diversified his farm with seasonal vegetables and flower like marigold. The main vegetables grown at his farm are cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, green chilli, tomato, potato, carrot, radish and knol-khol. He has expertise in the field of seed production of maize, rajmash and various vegetables and a source of seed in the nearby villages. He has established a vermicompost unit where he is producing vermicompost and utilizes the compost for organic vegetable production. He has a small dairy unit and is earning Rs 1.0 lakh per annum by selling milk. Along with other enterprises, he started a small bee-keeping unit with 2 boxes. He also established a small poly house for raising off season vegetable nursery with the financial assistance from Deptt. of Horticulture Doda. Matka Khad is one of his innovative interventions for organic agriculture. He prepared matka khad by using 10 kg FYM, 5 litre urine(cow), 2kg gram flour, 2 kg Jaggery and 1kg soil under the old tree, mixing them in a big matka (mud pot) and khad become ready in 10-15 days, then he take 1 litre of khad and mixed it in 10 litre of water and sprayed it on the crop. This material act as organic fertilizer as well as biopesticide. Thus, he is an innovator and torch bearer in the area.Sh. Jaswant Singh, a marginal farmer with limited income from his agricultural enterprise came in contact with KVK Doda during 2007. He along with other farmers was imparted a number of on and off campus trainings, demonstration and other extension activities on diversification in agriculture, organic farming and horticultural crops. After the motivation imparted by KVK scientist through various farm activities he diversified his farm and adopted organic farming in his ancestral land and village. He has been in regular touch with the scientist of KVK, Doda for technical know-how related to vegetable seed production, flower cultivation and organic farming. His net income from vegetables, flowers and dairying is Rs 30,000,  Rs 20,000 and Rs 1.0 Lakh



KVK intervention to introduce hybrid tomato cultivation in village


This is the success story of Mr. Sajjad Ahmad S/o Sh. Abdul Ghanni, a 43 years old farmer from village Droundi Panchayat Sangaroo, Block and Tehsil Bhalla from the hilly District of Doda of Jammu & Kashmir who not introduced hybrid tomato cultivation and broke the existing myth among the villagers but also emerged as a key player in the farmer-led extension model and became a source information for the fellow farmers. Educated up to matric level, he is son of a farmer and has keen interest in learning and practicing progressive farming. Mr. Sajjad prior to the introduction of hybrid tomato cultivation was cultivating maize, mustard, fodder only and like the prevalent scenario could hardly get Rs 2500-3000 per kanal from his land per season thereby making the farming as very low income generating profession. After getting training from KVK Doda during the year 2014, he undertook hybrid tomato cultivation. That year he earned Rs 35000 net profit from one kanal tomato crop. Next year he earned Rs 30,360 net profit from one kanal area which otherwise yielded not more than Rs 2000 per season. During the year 2016, he earned Rs 32,150 net profit. In 2017 , he earned 45,700 net profit. He was conferred with the community leadership award for playing lead role in the introduction of hybrid tomato cultivation in the village by KVK Doda during Kharif Kissan Mela-2015. The innovation introduced by KVK through him is being adopted by the farmers of the village. Today more than 20 percent farmers of the village have started growing tomato in their respective fields even though on small scale. Thus he has played crucial role in farmer-led extension model and farmer-farmer extension.


An unemployed rural youth became an emerging Agri- entrepreneur


Ramneek Manhas, a young man of 35 years is resident of  village Sartangal, Tehsil Bhaderwah, District Doda. He owns 2.5 ha land in the form of scattered, sloppy rocky lands, terraces and some leveled fields. The soil of farm is loamy to clay loamy. Paddy and Maize are the main crops grown by the farmers of the area besides horticultural crops. He is educated upto post-graduation and after completing his studies, he entered into advertisement business at Delhi. But due to certain family reasons he returned back and started his ancestral profession of Horticulture. Mean while he came in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Doda and then made up his mind to start agri-horti venture in his land. Thereafter, he remained in continuous contact of KVK for establishment of agriculture venture. He was trained by the KVK in Strawberry cultivation as an enterprise as the climate of Bhaderwah valley is very much suitable for Strawberry. Initially, he was provided with 4000 runners of Strawberry by the Directorate of Horticulture, Jammu through the intervention of KVK. Now he is cultivating the Strawberry on commercial scale. Presently, he is producing more than 1.5 lakh of Strawberry runners annually and meeting the demand of State Horticulture Department up to some extent, which they were previously procuring from Himachal Pradesh. He is earning net profit of 2.27 laks per year from production of strawberry runners He is now the leading Strawberry planting material supplier in Doda district. He has also become an opinion leader now and various small and marginal farmers are also shifting from growing cereal crops to cash crops in the district. Strawberry runners which are supplied by him not only in Bhaderwah area but also  in different parts Jammu Division.


KVK interventions increased income from fish pond


Vishal Manhas ia a young resident of village Nalthi, situated at about 1700 m above mean sea level and located on Bhaderwah-Bani-Basohli road and possess 6 hectares of land.  Mr. Manhas had set up earthen fish pond in 0.25 acre area during the year 2004-05. But he lacked the techniques of scientific fish production. His income was very low during that period, he produced about 250-300 kg trout/year, and earned about Rs. 50,000/- to 70,000/- per year by marketing trout in the local market. He approached  KVK Doda during 2015-16 to learn scientific fish farming techniques  and started following the prescribed techniques. Now the carps showed spectacular growth rate than the trout, and achieved 750-900 gm to one kg in a year and earning 1-1.25 lakhs per year Moreover, KVK also helped him in advertising about his organic farm produce and establishing linkage with the local market, resulted in dramatic improvement in his socio-economic condition by increasing his earning from Carp farming. Now he is very excited and undergone specialised trainings from KVK-Doda on fish feed preparation (specially on trout feed) from locally available ingredients, preparation of Chinese carp feed from locally available ingredients, and on Chinese carp seed production. He is going to start focussed Chinese carp seed production unit so that he can earn more income from fisheries venture. Mr. Manhas engineered his success by his eagerness to learn and understand very soon, hard work and positive attitude, and changed the myth that fish farming is a non-profitable business in high hills.


Promotion of mash cultivation through FLDs

This is the success story of Kishore Kumar S/o Late Sh. Briz Lal, a 40 years old farmer from Rounda village of Bhaderwah Tehsil and Block of District Doda of Jammu and Kashmir.  Educated upto matric level he is a small farmer who owns 0.6 hectares of land of which only 0.2 hectares is irrigated. During Kharif 2017, he came in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra Doda and undertook Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) on Mash Crop under Cluster FLDs. He not only actively participated in the FLD programme but acted as the prime opinion leader during the entire C-FLD programme implemented in his village covered under the cluster by KVK Doda during Kharif 2017. After getting training from KVK Doda, Kishore Kumar undertook cultivation of Mash Variety PU-31 in an area of 0.2 hectares besides, he also undertook cultivation of local variety with his own practices in the same area as control plot. During the entire period of FLDs, he remained in touch with the KVK staff and got knowledge as well as trainings in different aspects of scientific mash cultivation. He followed seed treatment in the FLD plot of 0.2 Hectares with carbendazim 50 % WP and incorporated balanced fertilizer doses in the plot as recommended by KVK Doda. He produced  4.90 quintals of mash per hectare   from FLD  as compared to 3.37 quintals per hectares mash production from the local check with the local practices. In case of FLD, the cost of cultivation, was Rs 22,200 whereas gross return and net return were Rs 46,550 and Rs 24,350 respectively with B:C ratio of 1:2.1. In case of his own practices, the cost of cultivation was Rs 21600 whereas  gross and net return were Rs 32015 and Rs 10415 respectively. In case of FLD plot, he got 45.40 % increase in yield and 133.8 percent increase in net income. He not only himself took higher mash production but also guided and motivated the fellow farmers of the CFLD mash cluster of KVK Doda during the entire crop season which resulted into the 4.94 quintal per hectares average production of mash in the FLD cluster whereas the average production of control plots in the same cluster was 3.84 quintals per hectares. The B:C ratio of FLD plots in the cluster came to be 1:2.1  whereas, in case of control plot, it came to be 1.69. Overall, 28.9 percent increase in the mash production in the cluster was recorded and 49.40 quintals of mash was produced form the FLD plots in the cluster under the leadership of Kishore Kumar.


KVK intervention on area expansion of fodder oats through FLDs in District Doda


Animal rearing is an important occupation in this region over all altitudes. Fodder is thus an essential component to provide sustainability to the farming system.To an estimate more than 7200 Hectares area in the district remains fallow during rabi season because of the severe and prolonged winters, preponderance of snowfall and uncertainty of rains which can be opted for growing oats as fodder crop for cattle feeding during the slack season. Availability of good and sufficient quantity of green fodder for stall feeding during the winter months has been a problem in J&K state in general and temperate areas in particular. Farmers of the districts had severe shortage of fodder and more over they had no awareness and knowledge regarding alternative crops as fodder that can be cultivated in the fallow areas left uncultivated during winters. Majority of the area in the district is rainfed and mono-cropped with maize. Oats has potential of providing good quality nutritious forage for a long duration. Its quality protein and nutritional components are suitable for maintaining animals and milk production. Oat grain has good potential as food supplement, baby food as well as animal feed. To overcome the shortage of green fodder during the winter months and to bring fallow areas under cultivation during winters, KVK Doda initiated Frontline Demonstrations on Oat (Avina sativa L.) in the District. FLD’s on Oat (Varieties: Kent and Sabzaar) was introduced to find alternative forage for rain fed hilly areas. In all, 95 Frontline Demonstrations (FLD’s) on fodder Oats were carried out in an area of 21.0 hectares with the active participation of the farmers with the objective to demonstrate the latest technology of Oat production.Output Average yield of Oat (green fodder) under FLD plots varied between 369.52q/ha to 403.13q/ha, whereas, under the farmer’s practice, it varied between 270.88q/ha to 297.50q/ha. The increment in yield of Oat crop under Frontline Demonstrations was due to dissemination of improved and latest technology viz: high yielding varieties, seed treatment, recommended seed rate, balanced fertilization and plant protection measures.  The per cent increment in yield of Oat crop to the extent of 35.20 to 42.48 in FLD’s over the farmer’s practice created greater awareness and motivated the other farmer’s to adopt improved package and practices. It proved an effective tool for increasing the production of fodder oats crop besides changing the knowledge, attitude and skills of farmers. Over the last 7-8 years the area under the fodder oats has increased many folds and fodder scarcity has been overcome. The area under Doda District has increased from a skimpy 40-50 hectares in 2009-10 to 2250 hectares. It is ostensible that the demand for the seed of fodder crops has also increased many-fold during the last 7-8 years. Both vertical and horizontal spread of the scientific oat production technology demonstrated by the KVK has successfully resulted in the area expansion of hi fodder crop in the District. The beneficiary farmers of the FLD’s also play an important role as a source of information and quality seeds for wider dissemination of the high yielding varieties of Oat for other nearby farmers and villages. Today farmers opt for growing oats as fodder crop for feeding their cattle during the slack season. These developments also build the relationship and confidence between farmers and scientists.


Introduction KVK minimized losses to paddy crop through field demonstrations


Farmers of Thalsara and Droundi villages of Bhalla Tehsil of District Doda were suffering huge losses to the tune of 80-90 percent to their paddy crop because of occurrence of a disease unknown to them. Many farmers had left paddy cultivation and others were planning to give it up due to the menace. They lacked of awareness about the disease and moreover farmers were in a firm as whom to approach for the management of the disease which further aggravated the situation. Meanwhile, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Doda,undertook the cognizance of problem The farmers, the team of scientist confirmed that the disease which has been affecting the paddy crop for last 3-4 years was paddy blast. A strategy was formulated by KVK Doda to curb the disease at different levels of crop cycle during Kharif-2015. Awareness programmes for the farmers regarding the disease and methods of its management were planned and conducted in the villagers much before the raising of paddy nurseries during the months of March-April, 2015. One month before the time of sowing nurseries in the village, training programmes and method demonstration on the seed treatment of the paddy with trycyclazole and cabendazim were conducted and a movement in these two villages was set for sowing the treated seed for raising nurseries. Many farmers adopted seed treatment before sowing the seed. Thereafter, they were apprised of the symptoms of the disease and advised to frequently visit their fields and monitor their crops for symptoms. It was also advised to immediately report KVK scientists if any symptom appears in the paddy fields in the villages. On receiving information from some of the farmers about the symptoms of the disease, the team came into action. It organized demonstrations on preparation of fungicidal solution and method of application of solution in the farmers’ fields by the scientists themselves. Moreover, KVK also provided Tryclazole, a fungicide recommended for the management of paddy blast as critical input to the farmers willing to cooperate in the Front Line Demonstrations on management of paddy blast. A paddy growing cluster of 120 kanal in the village Thalsara was selected with the consent of both the villages where demonstrations were laid out to practically teach and convince the farmers to adopt scientific management of paddy blast in their own fields by KVK scientists.This demonstration cluster acted as field laboratory for the scientists and a live teaching aid for farmers. Regular monitoring was done and farmers were fully satisfied that disease did not occur and no loss to their crops incurred. Moreover, farmers were convinced about the utility of the technology.  “This year no damage to our crops has occurred due to disease”, says Narinder Singh a farmers of village Thalsara. Hoshiyar Singh, another farmer who also owns an essentials shop in the village opines, “This a very unique and practical way to teach the farmers who are generally less educated and many are illiterate by physically demonstrating the agriculture technology by the scientists in their own fields.” “Farmers are quite ecstatic over the intervention of KVK which through awareness, trainings and demonstrations enable them to reduce their losses in paddy crop to 86 percent this year, crop has been harvested and losses have been avoided”, says Mohd. Shaffi, member panchayat of village Droundi.80-90 percent losses to the crop have been reduced by the efforts of KVK. This year farmers of not only the village where technology was demonstrated but also of the adjoining villages have treated the seeds with trycyclazole for effective management of the disease.


Promotion of marigold cultivation in District Doda- A success Case

Commercial cultivation of Marigold in District Doda of Jammu and Kashmir started initially in Gajothe and Malothi Villages of the district in the year 2011-12 with the efforts and intervention of KVK Doda. The story of the villagesat that time was altogether different. With maize as the only traditional crop and some where apple orchards, the farmers were not satisfied as income per unit of land even with the input investment was not increasing and the productions were almost stagnant. They were looking for some innovative ideas for incorporation in their existing farming systems to increase their income. Meanwhile, Hind Bhushan and Mohammad Ashraf two progressive farmers from Villages Gajothe and Malothi respectively came in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra Doda. They got training in floriculture and started cultivation of marigold flower on a small pieces of land initially for experimentation. After getting success, they established it as subsidiary vocation for additional income.Meanwhile during the subsequent years, many other farmers of the same and adjoining villages came forward and adopted marigold cultivation. The efforts of only two farmers of the District began to sprout and bear fruits. Profits did occur and with the dent of their hard work, income from their farms begins to increase. A new dawn with new confidence and a new venture of marigold cultivation grew. Every year other fellow farmers continue to add to the list of marigold cultivators. KVK and Department of Floriculture played their respective crucial roles, former through capacity building on the technological know-how and do-how and, later by extending various Centrally Sponsored Schemes which kept the morale of the villagers high and provided conducive conditions in extending the saffron hue of the marigold in the entire District. A marigold farmers club also got formed in the village Gajothe to overcome the problems of input availability and marketing. Journey of 8 years has come up today with a highly encouraging agri-entrepreneurship model giving pleasing outcomes not only for the farmers practicing the marigold cultivation but also fellow farmers of the same and adjoining villages. It has reflected its inherent potential as a potent tool in providing employment to the rural youth and farm women. Besides, opportunities for small and marginal farmers especially rural youth in their own villages enhancedconfidence level and helped to increase the income of their households. Today more than 680 households of the District are undertaking marigold cultivation on more than 36 villages. They use scientific production and management technologies, quality hybrid seeds and other recommended package of practices.Earlier Monocropping was followed and over the years, intercropping in the apple orchards has also been practiced which makes a panoramic view during the season. Farmers experience added advantages of marigold on apple crop in terms of better inter-space utilization, reduced incidence of pests and diseases and increased production. Annual turnover of merely Rs 40,000 has  been increased to Rs more than Rupees 1Crore 10 Lakh from the entire District. Moreover, collective purchase of inputs and collective marketing of the produce by the farmers has helped solve the major problems of timely non-availability of inputs and marketing. Marigold cultivation in the District has set up an example of ideal model in motivating and retaining the youth in agriculture and allied vocations thereby promoting the concept of entrepreneurship in agriculture.      


Lavender Cultivation: A way for the willful farmers in Doda Villages


Lehrote, a small uphill village in tehsil Bhalla of District Doda and lies at distance of 23 Km from the District headquarters and 5.5 Km from tehsil headquarters. It is a remote village with meager infrastructural facilities and no motor able road as the road connecting the village has not been constructed yet and the villagers have to trek uphill on 2-3 feet wide 2.5 Km Kaccha path  by foot to reach the village. It comprises of 35 households having 62.37 percent literacy rate as per 2011 census.Significantly, over the last 8 years, this village has gained recognition as the prime lavender producing village, an innovation diffusion center and essential lavender oil producing hub in the district. With the dent of hard work by the progressive farmers turned lavender growers, the village has gained national importance and spreading the aroma of benefits of lavender cultivation elsewhere. Country first heard the name of the village when Bharat Bhushan one of its progressive farmers held videoconferencing talk with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi which was witnessed by the people across the country.Bharat Bhushan, an innovative farmer from village Lehrote initiated the commercial cultivation of lavender in the District. It was during the year 2010 when he came to know about lavender cultivation in a kissan mela held at KVK Bhaderwah. He developed immense interest in it and with the guidance of experts from KVK started its cultivation in 2011. He tells, “I started lavender cultivation in 2 kanal of my land during 2011 for which I bought the planting material @ Rs 5/plant”. Initially he did not get the promising results. During that year, he even did not get the oil extracted from the flowers. With the multiplication of the plants, he increased his area under lavender cultivation  to 4 Kanals. During the year 2012, he obtained 2 litre of lavender oil but could not get its buyer. Next year he produced 6 litre of oil and sold it @ 6500 per litre. With the gradually increase in the area under lavender cultivation, presently he has 20 kanals land under the crop. Moreover, he has also taken another 30 kanals land on lease in the village for undertaking lavender cultivation. Besides, he has also established a lavender nursery at village Khelleni top on 2 kanals of land taken on lease.

Inspired by his success, other farmers also started lavender cultivation. For the fellow farmers, he acted as personal localite source of information and innovation as well. In village Lehrote itself there are 18 households who are undertaking lavender cultivation on 150 kanal of land with an annual turnover of more than 18 lakhs from the essential oil and 6 lakh from the planting material. Presently lavender oil is sold @ Rs 10000-12000 per litre. With the passage of time, adjoining villages have also come forward and lavender cultivation has started in more than 28 villages in the district. Gouda, Bhara, Khelleni, Tepri, Dugli, Draphara, Galli ,Malothi, Gajothe, Neota, Drudu, Gutasa, Souta, Dandi etc. are some of the villages where its cultivation has started over the years. During the year 2017, he purchased and established an oil extraction unit at the village Khelleni on a 2 marla rented piece of land for which he pays Rs 6000/year. It has eased the problem and made possible the extraction of essential oil at the door steps not only for him but also for other lavender growing farmers of the area.  Earlier, they had to lift the dried bundles to other places for extraction of oil. He could not get that unit installed at his owned land in his village or home due to non-availability of motor able road to get it transported there. He hopes to shift the unit to his land once the road gets constructed in the future. Due to growing interest of Doda farmers in lavender cultivation, there has become huge demand for its planting material. Establishment of lavender nursery has also become a potent enterprise for the youth as one can earn 3-4 lakh per kanal per year through its nursery. Besides essential oil, fresh spikes of lavender and dried lavender flowers can also be sold which fetches good price. Farmers, farm women and rural youth have become engaged in lavender cultivation in the district and it has become remunerative vocation becoming popular day by day among them during the last few years.Adoption and integration of lavender cultivation to the existing farming system by the remote and far-flung farmers of the district Doda heralds an innovative means of exploring the farmers’ capabilities. It exhibits the professional prowess of farming community of the district who is willing to learn and adopt the innovative interventions to strengthen their farming systems in achieving similar remunerative progress in the agriculture sector. This marks the beginning of a new era in the agriculture sector where mono-cropping based agriculture system has successfully been supplemented with the multiple options including lavender cultivation for extraction of essential oils, nursery raising and other viable opportunities in the agriculture sector. Efforts to set up a lavender Farmers’ Producer Organization is on anvil which would help in organizing the otherwise unorganized growers and their innate potential and possibilities in the lavender cultivation can be leveraged for furtherance of this agro-enterprise to other villages of the district. Besides, efforts are underway to bring this innovative approach closer to the more number of farmers in other villages of the district as there is an immense potential in it to provide employment and raising their farm income. Pluristic extension efforts need to be strengthened to expedite wide spread adoption of lavender cultivation in the district for enabling the fruits of this agriculture technology reach the potential farmers of the district especially the ones who are at the farthest end of the developmental spectrum.


Farmer who minted money from diversified farming


Mohammad Ashraf is a 64 years old farmer from village Malothi, block and Tehsil Bhalla, District Doda. His village is located on Bhaderwah Malothi road about 40 Km away from KVK Doda. Maize and Paddy are the main crops grown by the farmers of the area. He is middle pass, owns 6.5 Acres of land and is having 5.0 Acres land on lease. Most of his land is Rain fed. Before coming in contact with KVK Doda, he practiced mixed farming with low yield and pest infestations. After coming in contact with scientist of KVK Doda during the year 201-12, getting training at KVK and exposure visits to various agricultural universities of country, he diversified his farm with seasonal vegetables and flowers like marigold with an earning of Rs. 4.5 lakh. Now, he has got expertise in the field of nursery production of marigold and he is a source of supplying nursery plants in the nearby villages. He is earning Rs. 2.0 lakh from Horticultural crops like Apple, Walnut, Pear and Plum annually. He has also established vermi compost and Dhingri Mushroom unit and earning a hand some money from them. Recently he has started raising hybrid onion seedlings in apple orchards and earning more than 50 thousand additional income in addition to his routine farming practices. Today his net annual income is about 7 Lakh form farming. He has also purchased a diesel plough and constructed a poly house, a vermicomposting unit, a cattle shed and associated inventories pertaining to the modern agriculture and has significant knowledge of the improved package of practices of agricultural crops. 





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